Board of Directors

Founder of Music that Reclaims Melanie

Ms. Barrier first experienced music’s profound ability to create a sacred space when she was a child in foster care. She still cherishes a little red transistor radio which brought music to her group home and kept her a part even as life was attempting to tear her apart.

Michelle Grewe

Music is Ms. Grewe’s constant companion thanks to her father’s humorous & heartfelt family performances. Her fondest memories are all enriched by music’s capacity to bring people together and she is committed to passing this gift on to today’s children.

Cindy Deppeler
Board Member

Music was a beautiful constant in MS. Deppeler’s childhood. Moving and attending 5 elementary schools in 6 years was unsettling, but the presence of every music genre helped ground her back then as well as today. The diversity of music and its impact as an instrument for good is a gift she wants to bring to our foster youth.

Cynthia Briggs
Board Member

Music has always guided my life. Family lore says that I started singing before speaking. The piano lessons started at age 6 and continued for about 20 years. It is no accident that I am a music therapist. I have always been and continue to be amazed and humbled on a daily basis by the power of music to impact our lives.

Michael Pfeifer
Board Member

As a youngster there were certain songs that just seemed to have a calming effect if I was anxious or just needed to zone out. “White Bird” by It’s A Beautiful Day. “World Without Love” by Peter and Gordon. “Nights in White Satin” by The Moody Blues. There were many songs I’d cue up on the turntable and just let the music and words wash over me. Soon I’d sit up and feel renewed, like I’d taken an emotional and psychic journey. I want to help our foster youth discover this same healing experience.

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P.O. Box 410092
St. Louis, MO 63141